The Writer Architype is the discoverer, creator, and evaluator. And is the writer of the scripts or story that has been, is and will become your life. There are three basic scripts that tell the story of your life from start to finish. Your First Script or Back Story, your Second Script, and Third Life Script.

                                                    Change your story, change your life?

If you don’t change your script, you don’t give your Actor Within, your Hero, new direction. The script is the first line of defense against the old way of life. Your script dictates where, why and how your Hero needs to think, act, who to associate with and why. Your inner creator needs to script your new purpose.

 There is a well-known quote by Einstein, ‘The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.’ The only way to end up someplace different is to re-write where you are heading. If you keep ending up in the same place or can’t seem to get past a certain point, then maybe the place to look is where you keep pointing. To get out of the crazy -ness of your life, you need to do something different enough to have different enough.

An arrow only lands where it’s been pointed to. If you want to land someplace different from where you are heading or are, you need to point in a new direction.

You can’t change your story without changing you, the main character. By your thoughts and actions, you write the unwritten story just as much as the story that started before you unfolds. You can of course re-write your story, but it won’t change unless you change the main character’s attitude, mindset, and way of behaving. The very things that keep the story unfolding and moving in any direction.

We often see an example of the same old narrative being told over and over. This happens in times when you want the story to change, like the things in your life that you’re tired of always happening. Such as landing dead-beat dates, always seeming to ride the red in finances, never feeling you can cut a break with opportunities and so on. This is a good example of the same old story repeating itself because the main character, you, hasn’t changed in certain ways.

Right now, your character is only supporting the old script via the old ways. So, you must change the narrative first and give your hero, main character, a new direction and how they may need to be better or different so to be able to get to the new destination. This principle also applies if you aren’t stuck in life but want to prevent it.

I say this in the sense that it’s most likely, if this happens to you, that you probably don’t explore deep enough to find the core needed changes. The driving forces that make you be who you are being which is the cause to the effects in your life. It’s likely that if you are stuck or the same situations keep repeating themselves, then you either haven’t found the right way or changed the right area. Or to prevent the repeating of habits and situation you don’t want you’ll need to implement the right habits and steps of what will get you where you want to go initially.

By right I mean – the ‘who you are’ your ‘mindset and belief system’, which is the actual driving force that determines what you do, how you do it, and where you go and commands your life to look a certain way. If you want to change or develop your story and main character and have it look a certain way, you must evaluate your Main Character, First Script, Second Script and current script to see where it’s pointing. Depending on what script you are stationed in your life. And then determine what actions need to happen to get your life and hero where you want your Life Script to point.