The Actor Archetype is the face of your life production. It’s the part of you that reflects how you show up or not in your life. There are two aspects to consider; the first represents the taking or not taking of action, more specifically the how and why you Be or Not Be. ‘To Be or Not to Be’. Or in other words, ‘To Act or Not to Act’. The idea which relates to the value of your actions and their worth toward achieving certain desired results.

The appreciation of action can also be viewed through the idea of the Actor in a means of false representation. Whether you are or are not acting falsely in your life. How do you represent yourself? Are you being true to yourself or saving face, trying to be someone you are not or acting out based on non-self-chosen influences from various Conditions of Life?

There have been, there are, and there will be times in life when we are re-act and don’t act out with full attention or awareness. Especially, to circumstances that are triggered by emotions and charges from past experiences that have left a mark. Have you ever felt somebody had done something to you in a certain way that made you happy, sad or angry, only to realize it had an influence on how you acted or re-acted in a completely new situation that felt similar? The idea is to minimize the auto re-activeness. Be more aware of your situation and the circumstance in order to act out with more intention to ultimately match more of your true sense of self. No matter if that result is peace of mind, joy, financial success, a new career, or building a relationship or simply having a good day.

In addition, consider how you cannot control the outcome of situations outside yourself nor guarantee your actions completely or exactly manifest your desires or even intentions. However, you can increase the probability by influencing them through Truth and right action. Truth, in terms of acting in ways that are in alignment with your true sense of self. And Right Action, in terms that the actions you take are right for you toward specific goals. The objective is to stop the train of re-active or false personified actions that are fueled by previously written script conditions. And create a life of purposeful action which you perform with intention for results as well as expression of self-truth. And to formulate these behaviors through self-chosen new conditions of influence.

One way to see this is if you think of your Hero as your true sense of self. The being of who you truly are. And your actor as the being that acts out to the world in your Hero’s favor. Just as a theatrical actor acts out to the world with truth responses in their characters favor.

Think of the masquerade as those moments that you felt, sensed, or were moved to act in a certain way that might have been for your benefit, but didn’t. Maybe out of fear, uncertainty, shame, embarrassment, lack of self-confidence. This is a time when you might have acted either physically or mentally out of habits based on your character developed from old conditions of life influences. And quite possibly not your true sense of self. This is your false actor that you need to put into question. What beliefs and mindset are your actor acting out from?

The actor is a place of action. Executing the best ways to act out that drive our hero closer to winning at your goals, dreams, and ambitions. The actor engages methods that help build the muscles of the traits that help you, your hero, succeed and achieve to live authentically reaching abundance.